Description :
Yoonwon is a M.A graduate student studied Cognitive Psychology at Seoul National University. She received B.S in psychology at Seoul National University in 2020 and M.A. in Cognitive Psychology in 2022 from SNU. Her research utilized natural language processing (NLP) along with traditional statistical models to capture the essence of loneliness manifested during the era of COVID-19. She is currently investigating the effect of loneliness on the social robot's anthropomorphism in the context of human-robot interaction. She is also studying the relationship between emotion categories and human affective-cognitive experience to eventually suggest a better emotion representation of AI. She enjoys meeting friends, singing, and writing movie reviews in her spare time.
Current Projects:
- COVID-19 Psychological-Aid Dataset: Implications of Psychological Theory of Personality, Empathy and Loneliness. KData. 2020.
- AI based Online Personal Psychological Monitoring & Management System. Seoul Business Agency. In Progress.
- Smart-Aging Avatars: Research on Intelligent Biofeedback and Visualized Human-AI Interaction Technologies, Convergence-Fusion Research Support Program (by Seoul National University). In Progress.
- The effect of Appearance on the Realtionship between Loneliness and Anthropomorphism on Social Robots: Differences between State and Trait Loneliness, Graduate Student Grant (by College of Social Sciences). In Progress.
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