AppCog (Applied Cognition) Grad Student Seminar

Themes: Social AI, Conversational Agent, Human-Agent Interaction, Mental Health, (to be updated)

Host: Yoon Kyung Lee (

Guests: Warnik Cho, Hyunwoo Kim, Kyungdo Kim, Jiwon Kim, Sungdong Kim, Sunjoo Cho, TBA

Hfpsych lab Members (Presenters): YoonKyung Lee, Yoonwon Jung, Inju Lee, Jaeun Park, TBA…

1. Social NLP (2021.01.25)

2. Theory of Mind & AI (2021.02.25)

3. Scalable Dialog Systems (2021.04.22)

4. Music is my Life (2021.05.21)

5. TBA (2021.06.XX)