Feb 15th Journal Club

Themes: NLP, debiasing, gender bias, anthropomorphism, non-verbal cues, virtual assistants Presenters: JP (Jae Eun Park), HM (Hoyoung Maeng) Topic 1: NLP, debiasing, gender bias[JP] 선정 이유 자연어처리 분야에서 사용되는 debiasing...

Feb 8th Journal Club

Themes: Machine Thinking, Fast and Slow, Continual Learning in Deep Neural Networks Presenters: IL(Inju Lee), YWJ (Yoon Won Jeong) Topic 1: Machine Thinking, Fast and Slow [IL] 선정 이유 Slow...

Feb 1st Journal Club

Themes: Human-Machine Interaction, Social Robot,Voice Analysis & Emotion Classification Presenters: JP (Jae Eun Park), HM (Hoyoung Maeng) Topic 1: Human-Machine Interaction, Social Robot[JP] 선정 이유 Human-AI interaction에서 도구이면서 사회적 존재처럼...

Jan 25th Journal Club

Themes: Theory of Mind in Robots, Empathy and Contextual Social Cognition, Common Sense & AI in Deep Learning Presenters: YK (Yoon Kyung Lee), IL (Inju Lee), HM (Hoyoung Maeng) Topic...

AppCog (Applied Cognition) Grad Student Seminar

Themes: Social AI, Conversational Agent, Human-Agent Interaction, Mental Health, (to be updated) Host: Yoon Kyung Lee (yoonlee78@snu.ac.kr) Guests: Warnik Cho, Hyunwoo Kim, Kyungdo Kim, Jiwon Kim, Sungdong Kim, Sunjoo Cho,...