Feb 14th Journal Club

Presenters: SS(Sangrok Song), HL(Hyunjoo Lee), JL(Joohye Lee) Topic 1: AI Psychometrics: Assessing the Psychological Profiles of Large Language Models Through Psychometric Inventories [SS] 선정 이유 기존의 Big 5나 Schwartz의 Portrait...

Nov 22th Journal Club

Themes:Human–AI collaboration, Empathic Conversation, Peer Support Presenters: SL(Soryoo Lee), SO(Serin Oh), IL(Inju Lee) Topic 1: Characterizing Empathy and Compassion Using Computational Linguistic Analysis [IL] 선정 이유 텍스트 데이터를 이용해 공감과...

Nov 8th Journal Club

Themes:Human–AI collaboration, Empathic Conversation, Peer Support Presenters: JL(Joohye Lee), GK(Gyuyi Kang), SL(Soryoo Lee), HL(Hyunjoo Lee) Topic 1: CAN LANGUAGE MODELS REASON ABOUT INDIVIDUALISTIC HUMAN VALUES AND PREFERENCES? [JL] 선정 이유...

Oct 11th Journal Club

Themes:Human–AI collaboration, Empathic Conversation, Peer Support Presenters: IL(Inju Lee), JL(Joohye Lee), YP(Yongha Park), HL(Hyunjoo Lee) Topic 1: How Can Deep Neural Networks Inform Theory in Psychological Science? [IL] 선정 이유...

Sep 20th Journal Club

Themes:Human–AI collaboration, Empathic Conversation, Peer Support Presenters: SL(Soryoo Lee), GK(Gyuyi Kang), SO(Serin Oh), CL(Chunghyun Lee) Topic 1: Proposal [SL] Topic 2: Proposal [GK] Topic 3: Using Large Language Models to...