Aug 19th Journal Club
Themes: Chatbot, Social Support Presenters: IL (Inju Lee) Topic 1: When the Social Becomes Non-Human: Young People’s Perception of Social Support in Chatbots 선정 이유 사회적 지지를 제공하는 소셜 챗봇에...
Aug 12th Journal Club
Themes: Affective Computing (Ch1, Ch2), Contradictions in Dialogue Modeling, Blender Bot 1.0, Open-Domain Chatbot Presenters: YJ (Yoonwon Jung), SB (Seoyeon Bae), JSP (Jisang Park) Topic 1: Affective Computing (Ch1, Ch2)...
Aug 5th Journal Club
Themes: Affectivism, Migratable AI: Effect of identity and information migration on users perception of conversational AI agents Presenters: YJ (Yoonwon Jung), SB (Seoyeon Bae) Topic 1: Affectivism [YJ] 선정 이유...
Jul 29th Journal Club
Themes: Blender Bot 2.0 : Open-Domain Chatbot with Long-Term Memory, Conversational Agent, Expectation Violation Theory, Communication, AI interview, Emotion and Sentiment Analysis in Music Lyrics Presenters: YKL (Yoon Kyung Lee),...
Jun 3rd Journal Club
Themes: My Chatbot Companion - A Study of Human-Chatbot Relationships Presenters: SB (Seoyeon Bae) Topic 1: My Chatbot Companion - A Study of Human-Chatbot Relationships [SB] 선정 이유 챗봇과 인간의...